Monday, May 11, 2009

My first Blog: session 1

Hello my name is Alvaro Andre Pastenes Orellana, I´m 23 years old, I Live in Santiago of Chile, I Study Veterinary Medicine in Universidad de Chile; this is my last year in the university (I Hope =p)

This is my fisrt blog, I do it in a English class in the university.

I wish with this blog conected with my friends that have blog too, and reconected with old friends which I lost contact with.


  1. We're classmates!! I hope we finish our studies this year, lot's of luck in everything!
    This is my first blog too :P

  2. yourrrr last year! i´m in the fist one, and i hopeee finishh, lol!

    but, you ´re so young and are in the last year.
    i see you tomorrow!

  3. Hello Alvaro...
    I really hope this year will be the last for us!!!
    So, we have to study a lot =S
    A big hug, bye!

  4. Hi!! Good luck for you this year, and MUST be the last!! LOL
    Well,is late. See ya

  5. hi alvaro!
    wow, you have many post!
    I hope that you get improved then of the ankle
    bye and see you the saturday...
