Saturday, May 30, 2009

Session 2: my favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is my Playstation 2. It is a game console made to play many different video games on the television. I got it as a Christmas present from my sister in December of 2007. I use it when I have free time to entertain myself and relax a bit. It is very easy to use, you insert a CD in it and then turn it on so the game appears, and it has a game pad which you use to play and make the characters move. My favourite games are football games and scary games like Resident Evil. I use it up to three times a week when I have free time, but unluckily University keeps me very busy with tests, so lately I haven’t been able to play so much. I like it because it makes me relax and entertains me on cold days when I can’t do other things. I think my life would be more boring if I didn’t own it, I guess in my free time I wouldn’t be so entertained.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My first Blog: session 1

Hello my name is Alvaro Andre Pastenes Orellana, I´m 23 years old, I Live in Santiago of Chile, I Study Veterinary Medicine in Universidad de Chile; this is my last year in the university (I Hope =p)

This is my fisrt blog, I do it in a English class in the university.

I wish with this blog conected with my friends that have blog too, and reconected with old friends which I lost contact with.